Renegade Bodyworker Reveals the Secrets to Ending Your Back Pain Permanently.
This is the results of my experience in 20 years of practice with hundreds and hundreds of people – that there are some primary reasons that humans are prone to back pain which can be resolved and then prevented from reoccurring with a few simple exercises and a few simple practices.
Is any of the following familiar?
• You are constantly afraid to the things you like because your back will “act up.”
• You keep trying the same things, hoping something will change.
• You’ve given up on the idea that you might have a pain-free life.
• You avoid activities you used to enjoy because you have a “bad back.”.
The good news is that you’re not alone. Back pain affects over 70 MILLION people in the US alone. Look around – that means that 1 in 4 people have consistent back pain. The bad news is also that you’re not alone. “Back pain” is a huge market – and the ‘treatments’ for back pain are almost without number.
So why is back pain such a problem? Even the most respected medical doctors in the field state categorically that 90% of back pain is postural in nature. If that’s the case, why do we insist on trying “solutions” that don’t address this fundamental issue? And why is it so difficult to find the information – and exercises that address this fundamental problem?
But what if that wasn’t the case? What if there were a few simple, quick practices that would end the cycle of pain permanently?
You’ll learn the specific things you have to do to eliminate back pain from your life permanently with the No More Back Pain system. I know that I feel better than before the automobile accident. The therapy along with a series of stretching exercises quickly reduced pain and dysfunction. Chris Hendricks help was invaluable.
-Dr. Dave Carsten
One of the things that drove me nuts early in my career was that I kept treating people for the same thing over and over again. Clients would come in and say, “My back hurts.” So, we’d work the muscles of their back, they’d get up afterwards and say, “Wow, that feels much looser.” I’d feel quite pleased with myself, but then they’d be back in a week or two, asking if I could do the same thing again because they hurt again.
This is the established paradigm (ie, the medical community): a focus on “treating” problems instead of solving them. That’s great for them as you have to keep going back to get that blessed relief, but not for you, for exactly the same reason.
Back Pain has been the unsolved challenge of medical practice. We have brought endless partial cures and huge cost to this common malady . . . until now! Chris Hendricks offers the Solution.
-Errol E Erlandson MD,
physician and surgeon
Now, I don’t know about you, but for me, I like to solve a problem and have it stay solved. I racked my brain searching for a solution, talked and worked with different teachers, read books, tried different ways of working with people and then a solution began to emerge. I worked with the idea, refining it and re-working it. All of a sudden, everything fell into place.
The important truth is that the problem is not difficult to solve. In fact, the information in this book and video series works so well, you may accuse me of using witchcraft. Regardless of what you’ve tried in the past or how many times you’ve failed to break the back pain cycle, you can live pain-free. I guarantee it.
Sure, you might say, it’s easy to make claims like this. I understand you’re skeptical and that’s OK, but I have over 2000 reasons to be confident. That’s how many people I’ve helped to live a pain-free life. If you’re willing to take a few minutes of your life to see what this is about, I can promise you that you won’t regret the time spent. I truly understand the frustration and helplessness you feel when you’re in the midst of a back cycle with your back. Let me tell you a bit about myself:
I’ve been a practicing martial artist for over 25 years. I train in traditional Japanese combat martial arts. When I was much younger, I lost count of how many times I came home bruised, sore and aching from training. I decided early on in the my training that if I could break people easily I needed to know how they could be put back together.
My training in martial arts revealed a few things to me that has payed huge benefits to my clients:
The first is that one of the major causes of pain the the body is long-term musculo-skeletal imbalance. This is just a fancy way of saying that the body will hurt if you don’t take steps to keep it in good alignment. Just like the tires on your car will wear out quicker if they’re not aligned and balanced properly, your body will do the same and the major symptom of this beginning is PAIN.
The second thing I learned from my training was that if you were at a certain level of flexibility and spent just a few minutes to “decompress” yourself after your hard workouts, you could recover very quickly, with no lasting ill effects. I have found over the years that this applies both to keeping current stress from solidifying in your body AND in moving old stress out of your body.
As a bodyworker, I’ve spent the last 20 years studying with the best teachers on the planet, learning the real causes behind musculo-skeletal pain and how to help people move through them quickly to feeling great again.
Here’s the important thing for you to understand: there is no difference between martial arts and bodywork – they both have the same goal: easy, powerful, fluid movement. Over the last two decades, the combination of the two has proved extremely powerful – look around this site at the feedback from people from all walks of life.
After my first session with Chris, I felt that my body was aligned as it was meant to be. I thought ‘That’s what it feels like to be me, in this body!
-Jody Kaylor, Life Coach
As it always happens, solving one problem usually leads to another. This new problem is actually a pretty good one to have, though. My main problem now is that I run out of clients very quickly. People come to me, we work together long enough for me to teach them these simple movements and then they call and tell me that they’re all better.
When you take advantage of my system:
* You’ll learn the fundamental reasons you have back pain and how to prevent them from happening (until you know this, you’re wandering around in a dark room, trying to find the door).
* You’ll understand why what you’ve been doing has only partly helped (and what you can do to make it all click into place).
* You’ll discover the principles that will reduce and eliminate your back pain, stiffness and fatigue in a very short time.
* You’ll get a series of videos that show you exactly how to do the movements.
* You’ll learn the specific things you have to do to eliminate back pain from your life permanently. Without these simple exercises, none of which take longer than 2 minutes, you’ll move from one thing to another, never quite solving the problem.
When you learn what’s in the No More Back Pain system you’ll awaken feeling alive and energized, ready to jump out of bed, instead of hesitantly crawling out, like you have been. You’ll rediscover all the things you loved to do but have since had to give up because of your back. I guarantee it. How can I offer such a guarantee?
It’s simple, not just because I’ve used this information to create miracles for clients for over 20 years. It’s because I use this information myself and with my family. The exact same information. Everything in the program is something I use to neutralize 25 years of hardcore martial arts training, and believe me I need it. The tools in this program have helped me manage more bumps, strains, pains and injuries than you can shake a stick at. It used to be that my back was a constant problem, but now the most I get is a little stiffness, which is quickly and easily resolved.
So let me ask you:
Imagine what your life would be like if you weren’t constantly hassled by your back pain?
Let me make it even easier for you – I’ll give you a 30 day no-risk guarantee. If it works for you (like I know it will), we’re both happy. If it doesn’t, you let me know and I’ll refund you right away. How’s that for a deal? It doesn’t get any better than that.
Read this incredibly useful book and discover how to permanently end your back pain.
– Kate Ludeman, PhD., President, Worth Ethic Corporation